
Guiguts is a tool designed to speed and simplify every phase of post-processing an etext for Project Gutenberg Distributed Proofreaders.

At heart, Guiguts is a simple text editor. You open a file; you scroll the text to view it; you change the text by selecting, cutting, pasting and overtyping using familiar commands and keystrokes; then you save the file.

Under this modest exterior, Guiguts has many special features designed to speed your work as a post-proofer like built-in searches for "scannos" (the common OCR errors), automatic moving and renumbering of footnotes, and automatic generation of HTML that complies with PG standards.

Using This Manual

This manual is meant for online use in a web browser. The main topics are linked from the bar on the left. Each is stored as a single web page and is written to be read alone. You can proceed in sequence using the "Prior" and "Next" links in the footer.

Once you are familiar with Guiguts, use the bar at the left to access a topic for which you need a reminder. There is also a topical index.

If you are new to Guiguts, proceed as follows: