This checklist contains steps for all types of books including those with illustrations and indexes, and it assumes you will create an HTML version. Not all projects need all steps. As you gain experience you may decide to do things in a different sequence.

FYI: Here is the general work-flow sequence for a PGDP book. (1) first-round proofers correct individual pages. (2) Second-round proofers correct individual pages. (3) Post-proofers like you (PPers) do the work listed below to assemble the entire book into finished form. (4) Post-proofing Verifiers (PPVers) do a quality-check on the uploaded book, then pass it to (5) Project Gutenberg "whitewashers" (WWers) who inspect the book and install it in the PG site.

1. Initial Research (1 hr.)

2. Sequential Inspection of Text (4-20 hr.)

This is the only step in which you will examine the whole ASCII text in sequence; hereafter you navigate with searches. (Most post-proofers read the book, often finding errors that got past the proofers; figure 2 minutes per page. Some merely skim the text comparing it to the page images; figure 2pp/minute.) Either way, look for:

3. Fix Block Markups and Proofer Notes (15-60 min.)

4. Basic Fixup (10 min.)

5. Format Front Matter (15 min.)

6. Edit Transliterations (0-? hr.)

7. Remove Visible Page Breaks (10-30 min.)

8. Apply Word-Frequency Checks (10-60 min.)

Open the Word Frequency report. See this page for usage.

9. Apply Scanno Checks (1-3 hr.)

See this topic for usage of the automated scanno checks.

10. Apply Gutcheck (10-45 min.)

Start the Gutcheck Process.

11. Apply Spellcheck (30-90 min.)

Start the spellcheck process.

12. Fix Sidenotes (0-? hr.)

Read the discussion on this page. Step through sidenotes with: Search&Replace of [S, not regex, not whole word, ignore case. Click Search to find each Sidenote.

13. Fix Footnotes (0-? hr.)

14. Fix Poetry Line Numbers (0-20 min.)

15. Fix ASCII Tables (0-? hr.)

16. Save Edited Markup (2 min.)

17. Convert Italic, Bold, and Smallcap (10 min.)

18. Rewrap and Clear Rewrap Markers (10-30 min.)

19. Determine Character Coding (5-60 min.)

Character codes are described on this page. You need to be certain which the coding your etext uses.

Search&Replace, text [\x7f-\xff], regex. If nothing is found, the book contains only characters from the 7-bit ASCII set.

If 8-bit characters are found, use Fixup> Run Word Frequency Routine. In the report window, click the Unicode>FF button. Words containing a multi-byte (Unicode) character are listed. If none are shown, the text is probably, but not certainly, Latin-1; it is possible that you have inserted Unicode punctuation that is not part of a word. But you should be aware if you have used the Unicode menu or pasted a Unicode symbol.

If your text is Latin-1 or UTF-8, read or reread this item of the Gutenberg FAQ. Decide if you will upload a single version of if you should do the division into ASCII and high-bit versions. If you will do it, then:

ASCII etext bookname.txt and optional bookname_asc.txt are now complete!

20. Prepare HTML Edition (4-? hr.)

21. Process Hi-resolution Images (? hr.)

If the project manager provided high-resolution scans of the images in the text, use an image-processing program such as The Gimp or Adobe Photoshop Elements to optimize them—see DPWiki's Guide to Image Processing. You can do this before, during, or after HTML step 20. For each image:

22. Upload the Finished Project

Finished! Treat yourself to your favorite beverage! When refreshed, return to Step 1.